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Discrete Calculus: Applied Analysis on Graphs for Computational Science Publisher: Springer 2010 PDF 377 pages ISBN: 8.2Mb The field of discrete calculus, also known as “discrete exterior calculus”, focuses on finding a proper set of definitions and differential operators that make it possible to operate the machinery of multivariate calculus on a finite, discrete space. In contrast to traditional goals of finding an accurate discretization of conventional multivariate calculus, discrete calculus establishes a separate, equivalent calculus that operates purely in the discrete space without any reference to an underlying continuous process. This unique text brings together into a single framework current research in the three areas of discrete calculus, complex networks, and algorithmic content extraction. Although there have been a few intersections in the literature between these disciplines, they have developed largely independently of one another, yet researchers working in any one of these three areas can strongly benefit from the tools and techniques being used in the others.